Kill or Cure – Controlling Japanese Encephalitis 25:00, 2018 (Ref: AS05909)


At an overwhelmed hospital in Uttar Pradesh, India, young children struggle for their lives.

The threat initially appears like the flu or other illnesses, so it often goes misdiagnosed and treated with useless antibiotics until a more experienced doctor sees the patient. By then, it is often too late to prevent either death or severe brain damage.

The film provides a glimpse of an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in India while offering hope through a look at innovative diagnostic work in Malaysia.

Viewers meet Dr. Jane Cardosa of the University of Malaysia, Sarawak, who is trying to simplify the diagnosis process. Options for new vaccine development, vital to the battle against this mosquito-borne disease, are also explored.

This film is part of the multiple KILL OR CURE series of 57 x 25-minute documentaries produced for the BBC. These films can be bought individually or as a series.